maandag 22 oktober 2012
Commedia dell´Arte Masterclass with Antonio Fava. 16, 17 & 18 Nov. In Utrecht, The Netherlands.
COMMEDIA DELL´ARTE and its Repertory.
Unique course by the world famous Maestro Antonio Fava.
In the course we will explore all these different artistic aspects of Commedia dell´Arte by confronting different Commedia stock characters with others inspired by classical mythology. Each lesson will be built up from basic gestures and movements to improvisations and in a broader sense, from technique to creating dramatic structures.
Antonio Fava is one of the leading Commedia dell’Arte maestros in the world. He will personally teach the course. Participants will be allowed to work with over forty original handmade leather masks that can represent all the comical, heroic, poetic, mythological, or tragic characters from both the North and from the South.
Friday 16 Nov. from 18:30 till 21:30
Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 Nov. from 10:30 till 17:00
Participation fee: 230,-€
200,-€ students.
Balkstraat 31
3513XL Utrecht, The Netherlands.
More info:
Mobiel: 0639505737
donderdag 19 juli 2012
Rainbow of desire & Cops in the head Workshop with Hector Aristizabal
In this 3 day workshop we will use some basic Rainbow of Desire and Cops-in-the-Head techniques, to explore our desires and confront our internalized oppressions. If most of us have a strong idea of what we wish to do, then what is it that stops us from doing it? We will use Boal’s methodology “to make visible the invisible” and engage in the most important struggle a person can ever engage in …. the struggle to become oneself. For us to contribute to the world we live in we need to fully embrace who we are.
This workshop will be ideal for practitioners working with marginalize groups, people interested in mental health and healing as well as teachers and activist.
Friday 14 Sep. from 16:00 till 21:00
Saturday 15 and Sunday 16 Sep. from 10:30 till 17:00
Balkstraat 31 3513XL Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Participation fee: 250,-€
220,-€ students.
More info:
This workshop will be ideal for practitioners working with marginalize groups, people interested in mental health and healing as well as teachers and activist.
Friday 14 Sep. from 16:00 till 21:00
Saturday 15 and Sunday 16 Sep. from 10:30 till 17:00
Balkstraat 31 3513XL Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Participation fee: 250,-€
220,-€ students.
More info:
woensdag 18 juli 2012
CLOWN workshop (or the pleasure of being ridiculous)
One week workshop
13 until 17 August.
During the workshop we'll try, through improvisations, to discover the inner idiot that we have inside us and make others laugh. Once dicovered we must be able to be proud of it, to have pleasure to show it off to the others.
We'll pass over some technical rutines to help the students
understand the process of devising a number or a show.
Finally we'll go into improvisation work, where we'll focus on finding the state of the clown.
CLOWN TECHNIQUE (or what to do whit our clown):
We'll study some classic Clown and comedy rutines to
give the students some basic tools that can be useful
when they face putting an idea on stage: (The ability of our
Clown, play situations as a clown, classic rutines (duos,
trios), energy, tension and rythm, the body of our Clown
(Motors, gestures, tics, actitudes...), status, laws of
THE STATE OF OUR CLOWN (Where is my Clown?):
Through improvisation exercises and provocations we'll
find the state of our Clown basing our work on the
reactions of the audience and always looking for the Clown that makes others laugh. We'll learn how to find the pleasure of games and how to take profit of our most ridiculous side.
(The game, pleasure of being ridiculous, failuire as motor for the Clown (Mr. Flop), fragility and inocence, positive spirit...)
Actor, Director and Theatre teacher with a wide international experience. Graduated from École Internationale de Théâtre JAQUES LECOQ (Paris) and from Estudis Escénics
El Timbal (Barcelona).
He teaches Movement, Neutral Mask and Clown at the École PHILIPPE GAULIER (Paris). In 2008 he created YINdeYAN in Laudio-Llodio (Spain), He has also taught different workshops in Spain, France, England, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Holland and Brasil that have received the support of official organisms.
He has also directed Clown shows for different companies around Europe such as Cirque de Legume” / Irleland (Special Jurys award for their run at the 59E59 Theatres off Broadway (New York)
during the 1st Irish Festival, Bewleys Theater Award at the Dublin Fringe Festival and in world tour since 2009), “The Gazpacho Brothers” / France, “Ginno&Foggy” / Italy, “Cia.
Sombra y Ficción” / Madrid.
He was recently casted as Clown for future productions of the CIRQUE DU SOLEIL.
Paticipation fee: 210,- Euro
190,- Euro (students)
Monday till Friday from 10:00 to 16:30
Balkstraat 31 Utrecht
More info:
dinsdag 15 mei 2012
Theaterworkshop 'Komisch en Expressief acteren' in de Bourgogne (FR)
Zoek je een inspirerende vakantie? En wil je werken aan je acteertalent? Doe mee aan de Theaterworkshop ‘Komisch & Expressief Acteren’ in de Bourgogne!
Leer in vijf dagen de belangrijkste technieken voor het spelen van komische personages en geniet intussen van een prachtige omgeving in de heuvels van de Bourgogne.
Data: 5 augustus t/m 11 augustus 2012
Locatie: Hoeve De Bron, St. André-le-Désert (Zuid-Bourgondië), Frankrijk
Docente: Martha Villada Márquez
Aantal deelnemers: maximaal 12
Inhoud workshop:
Tijdens de workshop worden moderne en klassieke technieken voor het spelen van komische personages gecombineerd. Je krijgt te maken met elementen uit de Commedia dell’Arte, zoals improviseren, het gebruik van maskers en het creëren van komische situaties en een plot. Maar ook aspecten uit de clownerie komen aan bod. Groot acteren en het lichaam gebruiken als expressiemiddel vormen een rode draad in de workshop. Net als de lach! Bij voldoende interesse kan een onderdeel ‘maskers maken’ worden toegevoegd aan het programma. Voor meer details over de inhoud van de workshop kun je terecht bij Martha Villada Márquez.
Martha is theaterdocente, actrice en regisseuse. Ze is gespecialiseerd in de Commedia dell’Arte, met als leermeester Antonio Fava. Martha studeerde theater aan de Universiteit van Antioquia in Colombia. Al bijna twintig jaar geeft ze theaterworkshops en danslessen in diverse vormen, zowel aan kinderen als volwassenen. Op dit moment geeft ze onder andere lessen bij het Utrechts Centrum voor de Kunsten en diverse scholen door het hele land.
Tijdens de workshopdagen overnacht je in een van de chambres d’hotes die Hoeve De Bron te bieden heeft. De gastvrouw is Hannamaria Berkelmans. Een gezamenlijk ontbijt, lunch en diner zijn inbegrepen in het cursusgeld. De workshop vindt plaats in ‘Le Theatre’ dat deze winter gebouwd is op het terrein van Hoeve De Bron. Zie voor een indruk van de verblijfplaats, en de prachtige omgeving waar deze gelegen is
Zondag: vanaf 15.00 uur aankomst
Maandag: 10.00-16.00 uur workshop
Dinsdag: 10.00-16.00 uur workshop
Woensdag: 10.00-16.00 uur workshop
Donderdag: 10.00-16.00 uur workshop
Vrijdag: 10.00-16.00 uur workshop
Zaterdag: 11.00-13.00 uur vertrek
De vijfdaagse workshop, inclusief zes overnachtingen op Hoeve De Bron met gezamenlijk ontbijt, lunch en diner kost € 749,00 p.p. incl. btw. Reiskosten zijn niet inbegrepen.
Inschrijven en meer info:
Voor vragen over de workshop of over het verblijf kun je terecht bij Martha Villada Márquez. Ook als je wilt informeren naar carpoolen met andere deelnemers, of als je vegetariër bent, laat het me weten!
telefoon: 06-39505737
maandag 7 mei 2012
Theater Fanchou speelt La Esperanza
Fanchou speelt La Esperanza
La Esperanza is een dorpje diep in de bergen van Colombia
La Esperanza is een dorpje diep in de bergen van Colombia
waar een kleine maar hechte dorpsgemeenschap met
Een dorpje waar het land én het burgermeesterschap van
op generatie worden doorgegeven en de kinderen door La Maestra
grootgebracht met catechese en vaderlandsliefde.
dorp waar de seizoenen onbekommerd doorgaan en
waar de
weg van rode aarde 's winters verandert in een langzame stroom
rode modder en in de zomer in een rode
de mannen gokken en fluiten naar de
vrouwen en
vrouwen koken en zorgen voor kinderen.
Maar de politieke veranderingen in het land drijven als een donker onweer
Maar de politieke veranderingen in het land drijven als een donker onweer
Esperanza en dreigen de bestaande verhoudingen te verstoren. La Esperanza wacht
hetzelfde lot als zoveel dorpen in de wereld.
La Esperanza is ontstaan uit improvisaties en geïnspireerd
door La Maestra van Enrique Buenaventura (1974).
Regie: Martha Villada Márquez
Juana - Karin Baars
Peregrino (burgemeester) - Hans Sliepenbeek
Eénogige Tobias - Toine Thissen
Asuncion (vroedvrouw) - Francine Lammers
Pedro - Daan de Bruijn
Sergeant 1 - Daan de Bruijn
La Maestra (de lerares) - Karin Baars
Sergeant 2 - Toine Thissen
Vertaling La Maestra: Anoek van der Leest
Illustratie: Luitgard Schultz
La Esperanza is ontstaan uit improvisaties en geïnspireerd
door La Maestra van Enrique Buenaventura (1974).
Regie: Martha Villada Márquez
Juana - Karin Baars
Peregrino (burgemeester) - Hans Sliepenbeek
Eénogige Tobias - Toine Thissen
Asuncion (vroedvrouw) - Francine Lammers
Pedro - Daan de Bruijn
Sergeant 1 - Daan de Bruijn
La Maestra (de lerares) - Karin Baars
Sergeant 2 - Toine Thissen
Vertaling La Maestra: Anoek van der Leest
Illustratie: Luitgard Schultz
woensdag 2 mei 2012
Commedia dell´Arte and its Repertory by Antonio Fava in Utrecht.
COMMEDIA DELL’ARTE and its Repertory.
Unique course by the world famous Maestro ANTONIO FAVA.
June 7, 8, 9 & 10, 2012 Utrecht, The Netherlands.
When we talk about "Commedia dell’Arte" we tend to think of a hermetically closed theatre style consisting of fixed elements and unchanging characters. In reality, Commedia dell’Arte is much much more than that. It is a complex system constructed from very diverse, interactive theatre components. The very first thing we think of with Commedia dell’Arte is: theatre, acting work, an art form = a cultural sector, a profession, and a systematic organization of that profession. A second association we get with Commedia dell’Arte is: Italian theatre, Italian comedy. A third meaning of Commedia dell’Arte might be: theatre with masks and fixed, flat characters; stereotypes. But Commedia dell’Arte can also be seen as a system: a method to develop theatre works based on the use of masks, improvisation, multilingualism and characters that are relatively predetermined in advance.Commedia dell’Arte, finally, can also be considered as ‘artistic capital.’ Composed of characters, situations, scripts, and genres, taken together it form a repertoire. Each of these five crucial meanings of Commedia dell’Arte will be explored profoundly in this course, with particular emphasis on the fifth: repertoire. For instance, we have Commedia from the North and from the South, each of which differs in artistic style and in its heroical and tragical characteristics. When you speak as Harlequin or Pulcinella, depending on whether you are in the North or in the South, you’ll be saying different things in a script that is also structured differently.
In the course we will explore all these different artistic aspects of Commedia dell’Arte by confronting different Commedia stock characters with others inspired by classical mythology.
Each lesson will be built up from basic gestures and movements to improvisations and, in a broader sense, from technique to creating dramatic structures.
The course will conclude with a public presentation based on a scenario developed by the participants themselves.
Antonio Fava is one of the leading Commedia dell’Arte maestros in the world. He will personally teach the course. Participants will be allowed to work with over forty original handmade leather masks that can represent all the comical, heroic, poetic, mythological, or tragic characters from both the North and from the South.
Unique course by the world famous Maestro ANTONIO FAVA.
June 7, 8, 9 & 10, 2012 Utrecht, The Netherlands.
When we talk about "Commedia dell’Arte" we tend to think of a hermetically closed theatre style consisting of fixed elements and unchanging characters. In reality, Commedia dell’Arte is much much more than that. It is a complex system constructed from very diverse, interactive theatre components. The very first thing we think of with Commedia dell’Arte is: theatre, acting work, an art form = a cultural sector, a profession, and a systematic organization of that profession. A second association we get with Commedia dell’Arte is: Italian theatre, Italian comedy. A third meaning of Commedia dell’Arte might be: theatre with masks and fixed, flat characters; stereotypes. But Commedia dell’Arte can also be seen as a system: a method to develop theatre works based on the use of masks, improvisation, multilingualism and characters that are relatively predetermined in advance.Commedia dell’Arte, finally, can also be considered as ‘artistic capital.’ Composed of characters, situations, scripts, and genres, taken together it form a repertoire. Each of these five crucial meanings of Commedia dell’Arte will be explored profoundly in this course, with particular emphasis on the fifth: repertoire. For instance, we have Commedia from the North and from the South, each of which differs in artistic style and in its heroical and tragical characteristics. When you speak as Harlequin or Pulcinella, depending on whether you are in the North or in the South, you’ll be saying different things in a script that is also structured differently.
In the course we will explore all these different artistic aspects of Commedia dell’Arte by confronting different Commedia stock characters with others inspired by classical mythology.
Each lesson will be built up from basic gestures and movements to improvisations and, in a broader sense, from technique to creating dramatic structures.
The course will conclude with a public presentation based on a scenario developed by the participants themselves.
Antonio Fava is one of the leading Commedia dell’Arte maestros in the world. He will personally teach the course. Participants will be allowed to work with over forty original handmade leather masks that can represent all the comical, heroic, poetic, mythological, or tragic characters from both the North and from the South.
Thursday till Sunday from 10:00 till 17:00
Participation fee: 350,- Euro
Students: 300,-Euro
Balkstraat 31
3513XL Utrecht, The Netherlands.
More info:
Mobiel: 0639505737
dinsdag 3 januari 2012
Workshop Tools of ImaginAction. With Hector Aristizabal
With Hector Aristizabal.
March 30, 31 and April 1, 2012.
“Tools of ImaginAction” offers a laboratory to learn through experience the use of several techniques and philosophies: Theater of the Oppressed, Playback Theater, Psychodrama, Council Circle, traditional storytelling and others. The basic principles of our work are inspired by the techniques of Theater of the Oppressed (TO) that were created by Brazilian visionary, Augusto Boal. Theatre of the Oppressed is a form of popular community based education which uses theater as a tool for social transformation. It's basic philosophy is to re-humanize humanity. Originally developed out of Boal’s work with peasant and worker populations, it is now used all over the world for social and political activism, conflict transcendence, community building, therapy, and government legislation among other applications. Designed for non-actors, it uses the universal language of theatre as a springboard for people and whole communities to investigate their lives, identify their dreams, and reinvent their future. T.O. invites critical thinking and dialogue. It is about analyzing rather than giving answers. It is also about "acting" (taking action) rather than just talking. With T.O., people can and often do discover empowering solutions to their own struggles. We use theater as a laboratory to explore alternatives to conflict while at the same time having a great time doing it!
The intensive workshop is designed to train participants to use these tools with both adults and youth. Focus will be on community building games, Image Theatre, Forum Theatre, some Rainbow of Desire and Cops in the Head techniques.
Each day will include time to discuss the previous day’s work and the art of facilitation, as well as applications in the field. For this process we will use “council circle” principles.
These highly adaptable techniques can be immediately applied by teachers, social workers, psychotherapists, activists, community organizers, and theatre artists, etc. in their own contexts. Also for anyone interested in exploring themselves and the society in which we live. Absolutely no theatre background necessary!
The workshop explores how a community can envision a desired goal and concrete ways of achieving that goal. This addresses the key question of how to build a desired goal out of a conflict from the perspective of conflict transformation. The focus of the work is relationship-centered and not content-centered. The point is to explore a dialogue – the end is less important than the means. By its nature, theatre for social change does not work to de-escalate conflict, but rather recognizes the ecology of conflict as an ebb and flow. In addition, the workshop will include a component to address individuals’ personal transformations, which contribute to actualizing and sustaining a greater vision.
HECTOR ARISTIZABAL was born in Medellín, Colombia where he had a distinguished career as director, actor, playwright, and psychologist. He has lived in exile in the U.S. since 1989 where he serves on the board of the Program for Torture Victims and brings theatre skills to his psychotherapeutic work with those who, like himself, are survivors of torture. As a therapist, he has provided services to prisoners, AIDS patients and their families, emotionally disturbed youth, and low-income immigrant communities. He co-founded the Colombia Peace Project-LA, and Theatre of the Oppressed-Los Angeles and leads TO workshops, based on the ideas and techniques of Brazilian theatre artist and activist Augusto Boal and aimed at using theatre to encourage creative solutions to address injustice. He has performed on stage and screen and his most recent solo work has been featured in theatrical venues, festivals, and human rights conferences around the world. He is creative director of the nonprofit organization, ImaginAction, which trains others in the techniques he has developed, aimed at community healing, community building and reconciliation.
Hector Aristizabal, has received the Otto René Castillo Award for Political Theatre. The Otto Awards were established in 1998 to recognize and support the ongoing development of political theatre internationally. The Awards Committee, made up of past recipients, recommend a slate of honorees each year, and Hector’s work was selected for recognition on May 20, 2012.
Friday, saturday and sunday from 10:00 till 17:00
Participation fee: 280,- Euro
Students: 250,-Euro
Balkstraat 31
3513XL Utrecht, The Netherlands.
More info:
Mobiel: 0639505737
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