The Commedia and Tragedia dell´Arte.
By Antonio Fava
The appearance of Commedia dell´Arte in the Italy of the 16th Century and its spread and adaptation throughout Europe, marked a highly important turning point in the history of the western Theater; with it, Theater changed from ritualistic and amateurish to an actual profession (art). The new actor was born, someone who possessed a personal acting "know-how". This gave rise to the Modern Theater.
The Commedia dell'Arte as presented nowadays, is an exact discipline where practical ability and knowledge are essential for those who intend to make a career in Theater.
´Tragedia dell´Arte´ is an ironic definition adapted from ´Commedia dell´Arte´. It is nevertheless relevant, since it refers to the tragic repertoire of the dell´Arte theater companies. The term used by historians for this is OPERA REGIA. Here appear the same characters from the comedy repertoire and some specific tragic characters: the kings and queens, princes and princesses, and all the nobility.
These characters develop themes and behaviours that are extreme in nature, such as hatred, perversion and murder; they also introduce absolute themes and values such as Evil winning over Good. A final killing is inevitable. With a relieving function, the ´low´characters of the comic repertoire such as Siervo, Viejo and Capitano alternate their ´lazzi´ with the ordeal of the ´high´ characters. This workshop provides a practical introduction to the genre.
Professional actors who want updated information, pupils from schools of Dramatic Art, students and scholars who study theatrical disciplines are those for whom this Workshop is intended.
Friday 16 december from 18:30 till 21:30
Saturday 17 & Sunday 18 december from 10:00 till 17:00
Participation fee: 280 Euro p.p.
Discount for students.
Balkstraat 31
3513XL Utrecht
ANTONIO FAVA is an actor, author, theatre director, Maestro of Commedia dell'Arte and of Comedy. He directs the International School of the Comic Actor in Reggio Emilia, Italy.
He designs and makes leather masks for use in his School and performances.
He teaches Commedia dell'Arte in schools, universities and drama academies throughout the world. His masks are on show in important museums and cultural institutions.
He is an international director. He is also author of the book entitled La Maschera Comica nella Commedia dell'Arte, published by Andromeda, English version, The Comic Mask in the Commedia dell’Arte, published by Northwestern University Press.
Do not miss the opportunity of working with Maestro Fava.
Limited number of places!
Inschrijving, contact en more info:
Mobiel: 0639505737

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